Hell yeah, it's Seinfeld marathon at channel 8. Probably the best way to spend this new years eve. I managed to survive yet another year, unbelievable. Thank you all for the support and everything else. Happy new war punks, see you all in hell...I mean 2011.
Kan nån köpa mig en biljett till detta gig? Så att man har nått att se fram emot. F.Y.A.F.T.W.
Soundtrack:Anatomi-71 - På giftets vingar 12" "du är ett hånflin, jag är ett skämt, tur att man inte är nykter jämt".
Got two christmast postcards, a GGA shirt + some new records yesterday. Seems like I have been a nice punk this year. Shout out to Fredrik (svin bra kort! kommer användas på ett eller annat sätt), Jörgen and Årre (fan jag har blivit fetare med åren, kanske all mat?!). As always we only have a very few copies of each in stock. Import prices.
* Herätys - Helvettiin Ja Takaisin - 7" - 35sek * More Noize #5 - Zine - 10sek * Clown - Livestock World - Pic. 12" - 180sek * Raw Noise - System Never - 12” - 100sek * Deceiving Society - Detonation Cruster - CD - 90sek * D&R - Pins - 5sek * All Crusties Spending Loud Night 2002 - DVD (Disclose, Framtid + much more...) - 150sek + postage!
Fuck this commercial stunt am going to the studio and record some d-noise ftw punkrock music instead. Up yours jesus!
Skivlagret i Växjö's julklappstips: Beatles, Michael Jackson, Malena Ernman, en Hipp Hipp dvd-box och Totalt Jävla Mörker. Udda urval. Tack till herr Möller för den roliga bilden!
since it's christmast time and am feeling generous i wanna give away the last puzzle i did. five pieces missing. it's yours as long as you cover the postage costs. surprise included.
84sek (sweden), really expencive outside the swedish borders. first who mail and pay me gets it. simple as that. merry crustmast!
I was most definitely surprised when this little bad boy dropped down the mailbox a couple of weeks ago. I’ve really been longing for it, but I honestly haven’t had the meager amount of four euros to actually afford purchasing it. So imagine my joy when I received it as a promo instead! I’ve heard lots of previews, and it feels like Glöm Dä is the new rave in the Swedish hardcorepunk scene, so I had some humongous hopes for the vinyl to kick some serious arse. And by gosh, they surely didn’t disappoint. They start off raging right from the get go. The d-beat hits you like a ten ton hammer, and their mix of American, Scandinavian, Asian, whatever crustcore really comes off as nothing but picture perfect. One moment I get some State of Fear vibes, suddenly it’s a short spur of Disclose, the next moment I feel some Totalitär to nestle its way into their sound, and for a while I even think of Snifter. For the opening track, Jobba supa äta skita pissa sova dö, there’s even a slight rockin’ guitar line, getting me thinking of Misery and Extinction of Mankind. Era sopor våran mat has a major hardcore base, but as it gets going I can’t help but to think of Warcollapse. So it’s safe to say there's tons of familiarity when it comes to Grisigast i Östergötland, which also serves as a standing point for the fact that they don’t really bring anything new to the table. And to be perfectly honest I couldn’t care less! Each song is a complete rager. They whip up a sound that’s both basic and contrived, probably drawing influence from all over the place. It’s ridden with adrenaline, filled with energy, pissed-as-hell and intrusive as a mother… I understand now why everyone’s talking about this young bunch like they’re the new saviours of Swedish crustcore. Sure, the lyrics aren’t exactly mind-blowing, artsy fartsy and thought-inducing; it’s just basic rants about everyday life. Årre’s vocals have really come a long way since his days in Extinguish (the first time I came across his work), and his harsh scream goes utterly well in hand with the deeper, and slightly more grunting, back-ups popping up every now and then. The production is raw, yet highly accessible, and everything just comes together in a merry and wholesome record for the entire family. Now I just need to get ahold of their new 7” and the split with Dörrterror. /Kristoffer, My Last Chapter
A word from the wise: "Yes. Its true. Its a new fucked up distro on the web. Dra åt helvete means fuck off translated to english. It's my zine, its my distro and its me. Fuck off. I dont like much things, but who does?
I havent started printing the stuff that I have planned, but this will surely happen this weekend.
"Hey all of you, this mail is going out to you people who want to know thatSchizo Fanzine #6 is now available to download and print it like a real fanzine. So you have something to read on the toilet. It's 52 pages and it will be 13 A4 paperstotal, if you print on both sides on the paper. If you don't know how to do, just ask me."Download the zine HERE!
Vill du veta Schizo-Micke's topptio 2010 klicka in på Blogg As Fuck.
Since myspace is out of control and it's getting both harder and slower to work with Desperat decided to make a wordpress, like most other bands/zines/labels. We will update with news, exclusive tracks and such. It will work like a homepage, like back in the good ol' dayz. Click HERE to enter the site. Enjoy punx!
It's only christmas once a year, and thank god for that! We have some new updates and some nice sales until 12/12, starting today. First come, first served!
3x 7" package = 60sek / 7€ / $9.50 (25sek/each) * Dissober – Outcasts of sobriety * Fear Of Tomorrow – S/t * Grande Roses - Artic heart * Krossa – S/t * Mareridt – …här börjar helvetet * Raw Hate – Drunk As Fuck Existence * Spritvev – Pommacs Larm * Warvictims/Sistemas De Aniquilacion * Warvictims – Dogs of war - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3x 12" package = 120sek / 14€ / $19(50sek/each) * Moderat Likvidation – Mammutation * Tortyr – Ingen kommer undan * Uncurbed/Warvictims – Split * Warvictims/Flyblown – Split - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3x CD package = 100sek / 12€ / $15.50(40sek/each) * Agathocles – Alive & mincing, live in Germany 2000 * Moderat Likvidation – Mammutation * Tortyr – Ingen kommer undan * United Against Racism – v/a * Warvictims – Domedagen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Skitliv! - V/a - 2xCD = 70sek / 8.50€ / $11 * Mob 47 - Back To Attack - 2xCD = 70sek / 8.50€ / $11 * Skitliv! Fanzine #9, #10 = 5sek/each * Human Waste – Logo - Tshirt (only M!) = 20sek / 2.50€ / $3.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7”: Dödsdömd/Dödsdömd – Split Electric Funeral - Make noise not war Glöm Dä! – Grisigast i Östergötland (few copies left!) Glöm Dä! – I skuggan av eran stia (few copies left!) Halvfabrikat fick oss att göra det – v/a Mardröm – Deras profit, våran död More World, Less Bank – v/a Sista Kriget - S/t Skitslakt – Victim…(few copies left!)
10″: Warvictims/Till Death (few copies left!)
12”: Agathocles - Obey their rules Besthöven – A lei do mais fraco… Disarm – Discography 1982-1987 – 2×12″ (few copies left!) Disrupt – s/t * Loud Pipes – The downhill blues (few copies left!) Warvictims – Until man exists no more (European press, pink vinyl) Warvictims – Until man exists no more (US press, black vinyl) Warvictims – Domedagen (few copies left!)
CD: Anti Cimex - Raw live 84-86 Anti Cimex - Demos 81-85 Besthöven – A bomb raid into your mind… discography 02-04 Crudity – The Total End Disarm – Discography 1982-1987 Haveri - Into the crypt Let's Start A Riot... - V/a (Disarm, Arroganta Agitatorer, E.a.t.e.r + more) Nuclear Death Terror - Discography 2005-2008 Rawhide - Plenty ain't enough Totalt Jävla Mörker – Söndra & Härska Uncurbed/Warvictims – Split Unkind - Hangen syliin Warcollapse – The final end Warvictims – Until man exists no more Warvictims – Scarred for life Warvictims – Lögnen om fredsavtalet
Feeling down and depressed?Eight out of ten times this song works for me. The lyric says it all. Hard to understand for all of you outside the swedish borders since it's in swedish. It's first and foremost about coffe, dosen't matter if you'r rich/poor or what the authority tells you to do. As long as you have your coffe. So therefore you need a great passion for coffe to start with, which i do.
I start almost every day with a cup of black coffe in my black metal cup. The song/video is by the musical genius Eddie Meduza; some love it, some hate it. Am not a big fan of his "könsrock" songs, but he's done millions of great r'n'r tracks with both ironic and vulguar lyrics. For fuck's sake; he was the first d.i.y punkrocker, just take a look at the video! Haha. Some observant friends have also noticed my Eddie Meduza Discharge-rip off logo sticker at my guitar. Get lots of question about it and all I can say is; kom loss punkjävlar!!!
I dedicate this video to a really good friend of mine. Together we have had more than one cup of coffe and laughing while listening to this song. Both of us are having a bad period. We'll talk soon...
DÅ TAR JAG MIG EN KOPP Läget uti världa, de e inte bra, För det slåss å bråkas å kivas varje da, Å de dom andra hittar på kan jag inte rå för Men jag har fått receptet för å bli på gott humör
Då tar jag mig en köpp, Då kommer en på töpp En liten slurk med socker å med grädde piggar upp Var da jag stiger upp, så finns det ändå höpp Om nånting går åt skogen, ja då tar jag mig en köpp
Somliga har pengar, det har inte jag Sol å gröna ängar, är det jag helst vill ha Å när dom rike bara kommer med en massa prat Då går jag ut i köket å slår på min apparat
En del dom vill ha brännvin mot en depression så djup Men jag tar mig en kaffekopp istället för en sup
Ska det gå åt skogen så ska det gå direkt! För banker å för fogdar, jag har ingen respekt För man kan aldrig lita på en myndighetsperson Å när dom bråkar med mig då så har jag fina don
När fogden å när banken plockar på sig allt jag har Då ser jag bara till att jag har kaffebryggarn kvar
Sorry for not beeing the most active bloger, believe it or not but there is a reality outside the world wide web sphere. This is what i have done the last week, cover art for the upcoming Giftgasattack/Electric Funeral split 7". Still some work left to be done. Out early 2011 on Detonate Records.
Listening to Metallica's ride the lightning and packing orders. Have a nice weekend!
Benny von Up Yours Records/distro mailed me about his new blog UP YOURS. He will post interviews, reviews and other label related stuff. So make sure to check it out once and awhile.
yet another update and new design. why am i not surprised? call me old-fashion and ignorant but i've had enough with this shit! i haven't checked our myspace nor updated it for almost a month. i had my personal myspace erased and deleted month ago.
so please punx, DO NOT MAIL ME AT MYSPACE if you wanna have a fast answer. guess i won't check it more often after this new update. for the latest news about D&R and related bands check this blog. for orders, questions or other info mail us at: dbeatrawpunk@gmail.com
Om ni mot all förmodan skulle ha missat denna helgjutna dokumentär om det kanadensiska hårdrocksbandet Anvil så visar Svt1, den ikväll klockan 22:00. Kommer läggas upp på dox's (svtplay) sida efter tv-sändningen.
Kanske inte är banden som går till historieböckerna som det mest inflytelserikaste i metalgenren. Men är helt klart sevärd om man är down med hårdrock, metal och kärlek till hårdrocken. Snyftvarning.
Anyone know where to find this 7" (with cover) in good condition? Make it two. Please mail me. This is satan's music, just listen to thy evil tunes. But the question remains, is it punk enough? FTW.
We never thought that this day would come, but boys and girls, today is the day!
The long gone last recording "Thrashpunk Terror Rampage" with the true Warvictims is finally out!
This record have been at the pressing plant for over a year(?). The box was pretty beaten up so some of the corners looks like shit. Comes with no outer plastic bags either.
This is by far the rawest version of Warvictims. It even sounded better then I could remember. Per played the bass on this recording so expect more "rainy-style" then before as well.
Yes we got em yesterday, GIFTGASATTACK 12" and SISTA KRIGET 7". They looks and sounds totally awesome! More then half of the pressing is already gone, on both releases, so you better act fast if you don't wanna buy em on e-bay in a month for a shameless price. All of you who made pre-orders and paid upfront will have your records first. I'll send em all out tonight, same deal for everyone.
12" = 90sek, 7" = 30sek + postage!
We got 100 limited copies on blue vinyl for the Giftgasattack 12". Only available through D&R! Sista Kriget are all in pu(i)nk.
Out next (hopefully this week): GLÖM DÄ! - I skuggan av eran stia - 7" (DTAKT032)
7”: Besthöven/Beton – Split Dissober – Outcasts of sobriety Dödsdömd/Dödsdömd – Split Electric Funeral - Make noise not war Fear Of Tomorrow – S/t Glöm Dä! – Grisigast i Östergötland (very few copies left!) Halvfabrikat fick oss att göra det – v/a Krossa – S/t Mardröm – Deras profit, våran död Mareridt – …här börjar helvetet More World, Less Bank – v/a Raw Hate – Drunk As Fuck Existence Skitslakt – Victim…(very few copies left!) Spritvev – Pommacs Larm Warvictims/Sistemas De Aniquilacion Warvictims/Suburban Showdown (very few copies left!) Warvictims – Dogs of war (very few copies left!)
10″: Warvictims/Till Death (very few copies left!)
12”: Besthöven – A lei do mais fraco… Disarm – Discography 1982-1987 – 2×12″ (very few copies left!) Discard/Nyx Negativ – Split Disrupt – s/t Dödsdömd – Samhällets fiender nr #1 Loud Pipes – The downhill blues (very few copies left!) Moderat Likvidation – Mammutation Tortyr – Ingen kommer undan Uncurbed/Warvictims – Split Warvictims – Until man exists no more (European press, pink vinyl) Warvictims – Until man exists no more (US press, black vinyl) Warvictims – Lögen om fredsavtalet Warvictims – Domedagen Warvictims/Flyblown – Split
CD: Agathocles – Alive & mincing (live in Germany 2000) * Besthöven – A bomb raid into your mind… discography 02-04 Crudity – The Total End Disarm – Discography 1982-1987 Discard/Censur/Nyx Negativ – Split Mob 47 – Back to attack – 2xCD Moderat Likvidation – Mammutation Skitliv! – v/a – 2xCD Sverige mangel punk & hardcore… – V/a * Tortyr – Ingen kommer undan Totalt Jävla Mörker – Söndra & Härska United Against Racism – v/a * Uncurbed/Warvictims – Split Warcollapse – The final end Warvictims – Until man exists no more Warvictims – Scarred for life Warvictims – Lögnen om fredsavtalet Warvictims/Flyblown – Split Warvictims – Domedagen
TAPE: Warvictims – Lögnen om fredsavtalet
T-SHIRTS: Human Waste – Logo Warvictims – Lp cover Warvictims – Historien upprepas Warvictims – Ingen värdig begravning Warvictims – Reality Dis-course
FANZINE: More Noise #3/Vapaus! #4 (5sek) More Noise #4 Skitliv! #9 Skitliv!#10
PATCHES: D-takt & Råpunk – logo Warvictims – logo Warvictims – new logo Warvictims – lögnen om fredsavtalet Warvictims – skulls Warvictims – d-beat rawpunk (disclose tribute) Warvictims – dbeat destruction
BACKPATCH: Warvictims – Reality Dis-course
PINS: Ambulance, D-takt & Råpunk Records, Dödsdömd, Human Waste, I love D-beat, Mardröm, Skitliv!, Uncle Charles, Warvictims
PRICES: 7”: 30kr 10”: 60kr 12”: 90kr * 12”: 100kr 2×12″: 140kr CD: 80kr * CD: 40kr 2xCD: 120kr Tape: 25kr Zine: 10kr T-shirt: 80kr * T-shirt: 60kr Patch: 10kr (3 för 20kr) Backpatch: 20kr Pins: 5kr Plus postage! Mail us for prices in €, $, £.
Mail your orders/questions to: dbeatrawpunk@gmail.com
Nitad - Den gudomliga världen 7" out now on De:Nihil Records. Which also have a blog from now on. Listen to one of the tracks from the 7" at De:Nihil's myspace.
Sorry to all my international friends for the two latest posts in swedish. Last post was about a new swedish hip hop group, De Gudsförgätna, with no less then Jocke (vocalist in Warvictims) behind the mic. Check em up punx!
The one who knows me know that am a total sucker for documentaries and yesterday I saw a really great one that I would like to recommend. WINNEBAGO MAN reveals the story of Jack Rebney, an unlikely folk hero whose outrageously funny outbursts were caught on tape during the making of a Winnebago sales video in 1988. The outtakes reel mysteriously circulated on dubbed VHS tapes for years before turning into a full-blown Internet phenomenon on YouTube in 2005. Today, the “Winnebago Man” has been seen by more than 20 million people worldwide and is regarded as one of the first and funniest viral videos. Filmmaker Ben Steinbauer sets out on the seemingly impossible task of tracking down Rebney, who has been living a hermit-like existence on a mountain top, and until recently, had no idea that the outtakes even existed. Rebney turns out to be more intelligent, sharp-tongued and charismatic than anyone could have imagined—in short, he’s a star. WINNEBAGO MAN is a smart, funny and unexpectedly poignant tale of one man's response to unintended celebrity.
My girlfriend asked "is that some long gone relative of yours?", considering he's temper and patience. I wish. but I can actually see myself as Jack Rebneys in 15-20 years. Living in the woods all by myself cut off from society, modern technologyl and humans. Or who am I trying to fool, let's say 3-5 years from now. See the trailer, buy the dvd or download it. You stupid fuck!
En annan fick sitt första smakprov för någon månad sedan då jag va och hälsade på hos "Lepra". Men nu har alltså de tre luffarna äntligen valt att komma ut ur garderoben för att dela med sig av sina miserabla livsöden. DE GUDSFÖRGÄTNA har harvat på och rippiderappat sedan våren 2010. I bandet återfinner vi medlemmar från Warvictims(nej, det är inte jag), Prostata och sedan några år tillbaka nedlagda Youth Attack.
Rör margarinet och sockret poröst. Häll i grädden och efter det resten av ingredienserna. Gaffelmosa bananerna och rör ner dem i smeten. Smörj och ströa en form och häll i smeten. Kakan ska gräddas i nedre delen av ungen på 175 grader i ungefär en timme. Receptet är taget från Ex ánimo zine #4.
Avnjuts bäst med en köpp kaffe och en bra platta på stereon.
Now you can download the latest demo (In league with darkness) at Distro-y. You'll also find the other three first demo tapes for download on the same page. Go apeshit!
I've been having some mail contact with Márcia from Brazil the last week. I found her very kind and interesting so I asked her to tell me more about the situation in São Paulo/Brazil and how the punk scene is in her neighborhoods. Believe me, I got some answers!
1. How is it living in Brazil? Brazil is a big country, the bigger one in south america and also the most "developed and industrialized" one, but at the same time we can consider Brazil as one of the lawless countries (in real bad terms) and probably the country which has the highest level of social unequality, this means that living here can be good or real bad. For an example, in the big centers, you will easily find lots of 5-star hotels located side by side to innercities (favelas). You can simply stop your car in front of the biggest supermarket or shopping of the whole city and you will notice there are homeless people trying to earn some money by cleaning your car's windows or something like that, it is a very particular country and depending on where you go, there are the most beautiful places to visit or children being slaves (or near to it) at coal mines, people living on garbage fields (to where the government takes the trash collected from the big centers) or a big beach covered by 5-star hotels and expensive restaurants... Another particular thing about Brazil is the high number of "squats" (not as the term is considered by the punk scene, but simply places occupated by homeless people). Down here being a "squatter" doesn't mean you are a "member" of any expecific political group fighting for any expecific cause... people construct their "houses" (commonly called as "barracos": houses constructed with parts of outdoors, rests of trash found on the big centers or at garbage fields...) in public places (forming the innercities - favelas: a high amount of houses like that on the same block or neighborhood) because they simply don't have a better place to live. Living here is complicated and, depending on your economic conditions, it can be harder than any other place in earth. As a punk you have to “know where you step in”, to be smart, avoid some places (there are places “ruled” by nazi-scum skinhead gangs), avoid the cops (you know why) and big centers on which “mass-fashioned mindless groups” tend to be in, such as funk bullshit or “pitboys” (acephalous mommy’s boys who like to play the tough guys and walk with their dogs all over the streets). Those groups (or fashioned gangs) tend to attack anything or anybody they don’t understant, and we know they aren’t “that intelligent” (haha) to understand people with colored hairs and different point of view. If we’re forced to be in a place like that, we have to handle guns (it’s a crime in Brazil) or something like that to make sure everything’s gonna be fine. The good thing is that the brazilian people at all are very simple and friendly so, even with a big mohawk you can make good friends and be respected at your neighborhood if you know how, turning your life easier...
2. Government The brazilian government’s structure is divided by thousands of different "political associations" (partitions) whom "fight" against each others when at the elections time, but in fact it doesn't matter what one is going to "take control" of the country or any city/state because at the "deadlines" they are all the same bullshit... you can notice for an example a city being controled by a "pseudo-communist" mentality near to an other one under an "almost-fascist" mentality... The actual president for an example, came from a "communist-origined" partition and actually controls a "non-communist" country. It doesn't matter what "side" is controlling the country, city, state... there's no "left or right", there's no sense... You have a good job and you're fine, if you don't you're in a bad "shape"... The "american dream" of a person who born poor and, working, made an empire doesn't fit in here, the poor will be poor and the rich will be rich, that's the only truth.
3. Society Our society is probably one of the most pacifist in world when talking about politics and it's because Brazil lived under a fascist regime (supported by the, at that time, nazist german government) since the 30’s till 1984 and at that times, any contracultural manifestation (against the "government pre-stabilished values") was considered as a crime and everybody involved with it would be risking their lives (people were murdered, missed, tortured, extradited...). There are people looking for their families till the actual days, looking for people who were missed during that era. This factor is very important when to consider the brazilian society in relation to its government, even today common people fears the police brutality and the state at all. The brazilians are also very religious (the most common brazilian religious mindset and belief is: "things could be even worst without some kind of god or something"), there are lots of different religions living pacificly with each others, all of them under that same mindset. The access to a descent education is real poor, many people has only conclude the high school, some of them not even the high school and there is a high level of non-alphabetized people (who can't read or write, I don’t know the exact term in english), this means that the "cultural values" are easily missed or substituted by any "imposed fashioned pseudo-culture". People become "uniform", "common"... That lack of education also bring certain level of intolerance and violence between diferent sub-cultures, such as different football (soccer) fans... people fight for everything they shouldn't... Sometimes I ask myself things like "what are they looking for? what are they waiting for?", there is a common "popular phrase" which is something like "I'm brazilian and I never give up", but giving up on what? these people gave up ages ago, all what they have is an idea of a supposed "good god" to keep them alive, their football team as a "feeling" of being important and their TV shows to distract their sick minds and bodies when they come back home after a hard day at their "slavery-conditioned" jobs. It's not their fault at all, they don't even imagine how is like being different, they fear it.
4. Economy Over the times the brazilian people have “developed” a way to keep theirselves alive and have something to eat by any means found and even so keep a smile on their faces (that’s the reason for that stupid phrase about giving up on something). At least a half of the brazilians work on alternative jobs (informal jobs) and that’s because almost of them didn’t have access to education enough to acquire a descent place on the steps of the supposed “high-class society”. The economy in here is very instable, today it’s bad, tomorrow worst or not; Our currency calls “Real” and its value is about U$ 0,38 (a month ago it was U$ 0,50, 12 years ago it was U$1 and in 1992 for an example, it was about U$0,00040!!!). Most of the big industries are multi-nationals (for an example we don’t even have a brazilian car manufacturer, all cars in Brazil are made by Volkswagen, Fiat, Ford, Peugeot, Chevrolet and so on), most of the small industries (or plantations) such as the coffee market sell their products to other countries and then these same goods get back to Brazil (re-sold) at higher prices. There isn’t a political system to help the small factories to sell their goods inside Brazil, there aren’t industries able to turn the “raw material” into the final product and because of all those reasons, the brazilian economy is very associated to the price of our currency in relation to the american dollar or the euro. The price for imported stuff is very high and the taxes at customs are about 50% of the initial price plus the real price payd for the imported goods so almost imports (such as video-cameras, cellphones, games, computer parts, musical instruments and technology at all) bought by the brazilians gets to Brazil by illegal ways; This factor is very important when considering the economy at all because it stabilishes an alternative economic system to the whole society. There are stores controlled by the mafia which sell only those kind of goods and for all people who work or buy on these stores (I’m talking about real big shoppings) the economy works different. For an example, you will not buy a descent cellphone for U$500 (by a legal way) but the same model costs less than U$100 on a store like that. That kind of market tends to retain a big part of the brazilian economy.
5. Punk Scene, Bands, Venues and Gigs. Punk Scene: Brazil has a pretty big punk scene and each state has its particular considerations so I'll keep my report about our local scene (São Paulo state). São Paulo's punk scene is probably one of the biggest scenes in world (I think it's not so big than some punk scenes in USA, but I'm sure it's the biggest in South America), here are all kinds of punx with all kinds of "points of view" on what is to be punk, most of us live pacifically with others but there are also a conciderable amount of punx involved with "violent intentions" only. In this case you could do a comparision to one of the early reflections of this report on which I said that a lack of education brings violence... It happens with the whole society, reflects into the punk scene. The punk "groups" (divisions or whatever you call) are basically the following: "Punks do Subúrbio" (Suburban Punx; in Brazil the Suburbs are the poorest areas) which are mainly present on the east side (they are also present on the south and north area) of São Paulo and are also the biggest "group", The "Punks do ABC" ("Punks from ABC"; Abc is an industrial area in São Paulo, between the center and the east side) and the "Rawpunx", commonly know by the "classical spikey haired" "old anti-school style (don't like the term "old school"... didn't learn how to be punk on school). Each of those groups are divided by "sub-groups" (lika small gangs or "punks from a neighborhood or another") and those small divisions are the main reason for violent conducts and intolerance, but it's also inside those small groups that things happen; Each group has "its own" bands, zines and productions at all, there are great people on all groups, people working hard to keep the punk alive by the way they think is right, organizing shows, meetings or political manifestations, editing zines, distributing records, playing in bands... In contrast to the good things, there's a big lack of information but the common sense of keeping the punk alive (even by, sometimes, irrational ways) is bigger than any problem. Talking about the ways of thinking of each specific group would bring us to an even longer report (we would need a "bible-sized" zine to publish it all haha), all groups have their particular considerations (as I said early) so I will talk a bit about the scene which I know better, the rawpunk scene: The Rawpunks are a group of punks formed in 1999 from some of the "Punks do Suburbio" (I was one of them and so have been a rawpunk since its beginning), we have our political anarchist posture as all the other groups but the main difference is that we believe in punk as a culture first than any political reason or other argument to be punk. We believe that punk has its own habits such as the way we dress, the way we talk, the music we like and play, the productions we do, as for an example, the indigenous have their own dressing, coocking, religion and habits at all. This mindset gave us a good "ground" to stabilish a scene and difuse the punk culture and productions into all other groups, trying to hard to give a descent and "reasonable reason" to the punk-beings on "why they are punks" apart from a political reason only (In other words, we believe that anarchism is an important part and it has to be always "happening" but it has to be considerated as a point of view of an individual who, before being anarchist, belongs to a culture, the punk culture in this case). Bands: The most awesome thing in the brazilian punk scene is the high number of bands, there are between 4 to 6 shows per weekend (in São Paulo) and between 5 to 10 bands playing on each show, even living here it's impossible to know all bands, there are new bands apearing all the time. Playing in a punk band in Brazil means being devoted to a culture in the most literal sense of the phrase, it's hard to get a descent show, hard to get a descent sound equipment, to have a place to pratice (rehearse) to keep the same line up over the years (it's hard to stay punk and people give up on playing in punk bands)... Recording a band was something almost impossible 10 years ago, so there are bands playing for over a decade without having at least a descent studio work (and I'm talking about good quality audio recorded only, not about a record being released)... Releasing a record is still a hard job, there aren't many labels (almost none) dedicated to punk music only and the prices for pressing Cds or Lps are very expensives... There’s where the D.I.Y. spirit comes in its more sincere way, people record their own bands and distribute their own stuff for very low prices... Actually “Casa Punk Records” (which we have been trying to keep up) has been working with some unkown bands, recording their stuff and releasing by D.I.Y. ways but we can’t even get close to release a high number of bands if considering the whole scene. There are many good bands I’d suggest you to have a check and I’m going to cite a few. Of coarse I’m gonna say Luta Armada and Pós-Guerra (the 2 bands which I play haha) but you should also check: -Estado de Guerra - The Squintz - Death from Above - Total Revolta - Atos de Vingança - Sob-Conflito - Ódio Brutal - Dívida Externa
All those bands play 80’s punk style, if you’re looking for good 70’s style punkrock try out: - Colisão Social - Deserdados
There are also some older ones (80’s bands that still play or that came back recently) such as Cólera, Armagedom, Skarnio, Olho Seco and Lixomania. As I said before, I could cite thousands of bands (there is like a punk band per neighborhood!) but I think those bands are a nice point to start having an idea on how the brazilian punk bands sound.
Venues and Festivals: There isn’t any punk venue in São Paulo and probably neither in Brazil at all. Most punk shows happen on “alternative” venues (open for any kind of music, underground or not); there are also shows happening on any possible place you can imagine... since there aren’t punk venues, and most of the alternative venues are expensives to rent (we have to rent the place to organize a show) or far from the big centers, the promoters use to set up shows anywhere they can, which means from a truck placed on a poor neighborhood to a school or a poor bar located on the “farest” village as possible (haha). About shows being stopped by the police, yes, it happens sometimes, mainly when the show is happening on an “improvised place”. When it happens we wait till the cops go away then we start to play again (lol)... Sometimes people get arrested because of it but we can’t give up on playing right? Some other times the cops are called because of conflicts (real wars) in front of the show (between different gangs or agains nazi-scum) but usually when the cops get to the show almost punx went away yet. The key to keep yourself save on brazilian punk shows is to avoid the cops by any means necessary; Being under a direct conflict against them means being murdered or near to it. The good thing about the brazilian punk shows is that when a big festival happens (not frequently) everybody (or almost) is there... There were festivals with over 5.000 punx from São Paulo only in the past and that’s when you say to yourself “damn we’re a very big and weird family” (haha).
I listen a lot to Raped Teenagers back in the 90's. They did not sound like anyone else, combining hardcore and trallpunk (as we call it in sweden). Well, they gonna do a one show reunion in Linköping 6/11 and I really hope that I will be able to go there.
Download twelve tracks from their rehearsal 16/10 at GASPUNK. Am not disappointed! More to read about Raped Teenagers.
* HCV004 BLOODY HAMMER demo tape * HCV005 Isterismo " in giu sotto " tape * HCV006 KRÖMOSOM demo tape
Sorry but they are ALL GONE now! To slow. We might get em back in stock in the future... EF - "In league with Darkness" is back in stock. Another 20 copies printed, 25sek + postage.