Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spending lo(ud)ng nights on the road...

We're back after spending lo(ud)ng nights in Sundsvall and Stockholm. Got the testpresses for Sista Kriget 7" and Giftgasattack 12" + 50 copies of the ultra new Electric Funeral 7" released by Detonate (Denmark). I also noticed that Åke answered some questions about Desperat for Blogg As Fuck (in swedish). Seems like a lot of things have happened while I was away. And still we have a few more new bombs to drop. Writing more tomorrow...


dis66 said...

Waiting for the Sista Kriget and Giftgasattack for a long time.
Stay dis- till death!
Electric Funeral=total noise destruction!

SJKP said...

Fan vad gött!! Ungefär hur länge till behöver man dreggla efter Gga?