Monday, May 7, 2012

Short update!

There are many who mailed and asked how am doing since I have not updated the blog in over two weeks. I feel relatively alright, just a lot of work to do, some bands related stuff to take care of and some private affairs. But I'm not dead, just sick and tired.

This break has given me time for other things and I do not know what the future will look like for this blog. Who cares really? The only question is how to get the important and relevant information about my release and the band we release and support? Any ideas?

And now, finally some good news!! The INFERNÖH 12" will be sent from the pressing plant 10/5. It's been a long time coming. I will mail each and everyone that have pre-order it this upcoming week about further info. MASSGRAV 12" will be out by the end of May.

Soundtrack: Errol - S/t


J And said...

Är Infernöh-tolvan slutsåld redan?

D-takt & Råpunk said...

J AND: första 500 är borta redan tyvärr. dock så brukar det vara folk som skiter i att betala/höra av sig så jag räknar med att det kommer finnas nått extra ex över. maila mig så skriver jag upp dig om du är intresserad. jag kommer även att gå ut med en lista på samtliga distros som tagit in skivan så snart jag fått hem och skickat ut dem. det kommer även att tryckas 500 till. så det är lugna puckar.