Friday, November 29, 2013

Two weeks (or longer) of total isolation...

For the first time in my entire life I will pay my family 100% attention and full focus. They have always been suffered by my choices in the past and it's time to begin to prioritize the most important thing in my life for once. Have patience, good things take time, people need to start learning that in this fucked up and stressful society. That it may take some time to get an answer to your emails and orders are nothing new for loyal friends and supporters of D&R, and with time, it feels like that more people have accepted this. It's not news that I have become increasingly disgusted with the internet sphere and its surrounding in recent years. I dont belong here.
I will clean up my inbox this upcoming weekend, expect no response after that. With pleasure will I turn off the computer and have it turned off
for an indefinite period. The Dropend 7" and Mob 47 2x12" re-press will be out in mid december, I'll keep you all posted for sure. Thanks for your understanding. Til next time, up the nature/punx!

Condor and Funeral Mist - Trisagion

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Desperat + D?B! = Sant (in swedish)

Desperat (Mob 47) och Diagnosis? Bastard! ska ut och bränna gummin. Götet på fredag och Fjöllet på lördag. Klicka på länkarna för mer info. Tyvärr vart det inget Malmö som planerat denna gång. Jag reser som alltid med lätt packning så om det är nån som vill köpa nått från lagret får ni höra av er innan imorgon (torsdag) e.m. så tar jag med på spelningarna. Över och ut.

Soundtrack: Kal P. Dal - Till mossan!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

MOB 47 - Back to Attack 2x12"

Upon your request we decided to make a new press of 500 copies. As you can see, we chose to add a bit of color on the cover art this time. NOT in stock yet, we hope and think that we will have it by mid-December. For further info click here and here. We'll keep you posted.

Soundtrack: Wolfpack - Hellbound Warpig

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New Warvictims + Dropend tracks!

Warvictims recorded a few new war-tunes earlier this year and they turned out better then expected. Exclusively for the die hard fans of Annihilation Radio we shared one of the songs taken from an upcoming planned cassette release. More info about that one later... Dropend also agreed to let the listeners hear one more song from their new 7inch "Distortion Hell" as well.

Annihilation Radio have had a few weeks vacation, but is now back again to treat you all with some trve damage and pleasure for your ears. A great start at the beginning of each new week. As always, play it loud!

Friday, November 1, 2013

DROPEND - Distortion Hell 7" - OUT SOON!

5 track e.p. out in november. More info will follow as soon as we know more. Stay tuned for more D-beat n' Noise.