Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
5 years giving the middle finger 2006-2011

That was five years ago, time flies. We printed 100 canvas bags with our logo + a band list of all the bands we've worked with so far to celebrate our five year anniversary. These bags was given away and sent to bands we released, labels and distros we worked with + a few dedicated d-beaters who's supported and helped D&R through the years. We had never survived a week if it were not for all of you, so thank you very much!
We now have ONE bag left and we give everyone the same opportunity to buy it. The first who email us will also get it!
Update: GONE!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Kissan Päivät #2, fyrtal i fanzine (in swedish)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Surviving the storm...

Soundtrack: November - Sekunder
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Kalender Für Alle part 24 of 24
Then was the exciting conclusion finally here, the last episode of Kalender Für Alle. Hope you had as much fun as I. I'm in the mountains now during the holidays, resting and having a great time. Just to get as far away as possible from the shit (christmas celebrations). But I have to admit one thing, I also have a tradition every year on this day. It is to watch Bad Santa, it's the closest I come christmas. Perhaps the best way to celebrate a day like this. Previous years I've always been in the studio, recording, but not this year. Okey then, gotta go, have a nice day my friends wherever you are! Outside it's snowing and it's time for some breakfast.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Jul i den kungliga huvudstaden... (in swedish)

"På väg in till stan nu på tbanan.... Julen är här...en kvinna som bryter på finska ylar om änglar o jesus och att dans är synd. En man som ser ut som tomten i nedpissade kläder satte sig i samma fyrkant som henne och muttrar o skrattar högt och ljudligt. Dricker folköl från Ica. God jul"
Soundtrack: Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Swedish documentary from 1995 about animal rights with Refused (no english sub).
"Jag undrar hur dem har tänkt sig i förlängningen om att låta alla djuren leva fritt. Vad händer då? Om dem bara...ligger och själv dör på gatorna...och...ja...jag vet inte hur dem har tänkt sig det där".
Citaten haglar fritt.
Bill Hicks the American

I really like this quote from one of his acts about flags and freedom:
"Our emotions are running wild and our minds have stopped man. That flag burning thing, god did that bring up some retarded emotions... The flag! The flag! They said we can burn the flag!!! they didn't say that, they said if a guy burns a flag he probably doesn't have to go to jail... For a fucking year! People going... "Hey buddy, let me tell you something... My daddy died for that flag!" Really? I bought mine, you know they sell them in K-mart, three bucks. "He died in the Korean war for that flag." Well want a coincidence! Mine was made in Korea! He didn't die for a fucking flag, it's just a piece of cloth, he died for what the flag represents and that is the freedom To Burn The Fucking Flag!"
Anyone who knows where I can find out more about Bill Hicks? Shows, movies, books? If you, like me, didn't know about Bill, wanna get a good laugh or just want to know more then I can highly recommend this documentary to begin with.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Never mind the twenty-first century - F.T.H #1

The year was 1992 and I had listened to hard rock (Iron Maiden, Kiss, W.A.S.P, Twisted Sister, Ac/Dc, Metallica and more...) since kindergarten, so I already had a good foundation. The first contact I had with punk music and punks was via a friend's older brother and his wild smoking/drinking skateboarding friends. He lent me three LPs that changed my life forever. It was the "Sex Pistols - Never Mind the Bollocks", "Ramones - Loco Live" and "KSMB - Aktion".
I was hooked after that and had a constant craving for more. Every now and then I went to our local record stores Guntans, Skivbörsen and Skivhörnan where I spent a lot of hours, maybe days, listened and bought new records right up until all three stores closed down. This is my life, this is the only thing I know...
* SEX PISTOLS; the first punk band I ever heard and it made a huge impression on me, although I think that they had the ugliest cover I've ever seen. At least compared to my old records such as Iron Maiden and Kiss. Sid Vicious was my biggest idol for several years and I had the same black haircut, leather jacket and a necklace that he had. Still think that this is one of the best punk/rock albums ever.
* DEAD KENNEDYS; they had a different and unique sound/style and I loved Jello Biafra's vocals. For some reason I imagined that he was mentally ill. Haha.
* RAMONES; kings of "4-takt" with countless hits. Ramones is the living proof that simple three chord songs are the best. "Now I want to sniff some glue" was The first song I ever learned to play on bass. A really hard song to learn, especially on bass I tell you.
* KSMB; the first punk band that I heard singing in swedish. I had only listened to swedish pop and Magnus Uggla previously. KSMB was so much rawer and they had lyrics I could relate to. The song "En slemmig torsk" stand out among their other songs. It was hard to decide since they have so many great songs, but this song spun a few extra rounds on my stereo when I was 13 years old.
* CHARGED G.B.H; it was by a local band named Ultima Fule I drew the attention of G.B.H. They did a cover of "Knife Edge" and I thought it was so damn hard. The singer Reine later introduced me to many other great bands, not just G.B.H. and not only punk music.
* BLITZ; a little side-track was the oi punk that came and went during the early years. I have alot of other favourites like Infa-Riot, Business and Attak but it was always Blitz that made me want to go out and fight. Someone's gonna die tonight!
* BAD RELIGION; I fell in love with their logo long before I even heard the band. I was often questioned by teachers and grown-ups when I had my Bad Religion t-shirt. The early stuff with BR is the best, but I also think that both "Suffer" and "Against The Grain" are two really good albums too.
* ASTA KASK; next to Mob 47 Asta Kask have been one of the most influential swedish band on me. I thought they played extremely fast and their lyrics spoke directly to me in some way. They just had that perfect sound, hard to describe, but I loved it. The swedish language made it easier to sing along and it affected more than the english bands. I have probably played covers of most of their songs during my youth. To see Asta Kask live in 2003 was absolutely wonderful since they have always been close to my heart.
* MISFITS; it was the same story as with Bad Religion, I had seen the Misfits skull months before I heard the music. My friend's brother had such a sticker on his skateboard, so I knew it would be hard, and I was not disappointed. They looked so dangerous on the band photos and I had the same hairstyle as them over a period. Misfits grew over the years and by that I mean that their songs from the 80's is the best and that it only got better the older I became.
* STIFF LITTLE FINGERS; without any expectations I borrowed "Inflammable material" from a good friend around -94. He was very fond of his new discovery and thought I should give them a listen. This is by far S.L.F best album and it's a great record to bring on tour. The last time we had it in the car stereo was on our Japanese tour.
* THE EXPLOITED; I'm probably one of few that really mean it when I say that I think that Exploited is great. It was really hard just to pick one song, they have so many, like all the other bands. Haha. I had plans to tattoo the Exploited skull when I turned 18, but one of my best friends did it before me. Maybe it was for the best cause I had not wanted to have that tattoo today. It was also because of Wattie I cut my first mohawk. Another memory I have is when my mother had been in Stockholm for the weekend and came home with an Exploited shirt. I was happy for months, imagine what little was required at the time.
* RIXVÄG 40; a local band that I guess that many of you have not heard before. It was difficult to select between them and Sector Sexs (also a local band) since they are at least as good, if not even better. I really looked up to both bands and it was them who made me want to start playing music from the very beginning. Rixväg 40 was the first punk band I saw live and that's the main reason why I picked them. They played at a youth center (in exactly the same youth center where I only one year later took my first chords) where they had 13 years age limit and I was only 12. My older friends kindly opened the back door for me. I managed to see two songs before the working staff threw me out, and so it continued through the whole concert. That night I fell asleep with the world's biggest smile on my face, I had a weird feeling throughout my body, a feeling I never had before. I was in love with punk. Such a cheesy ending...
Click HERE to download the compilation. Play loud or die!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Charta 77, spelar dem fortfarande...?? (in swedish)

I won't be able to check my mail nor sending any orders until 18/12.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Le Regard

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Oljudet 2,5 gratis mixtape och A-lagsalliansen (in swedish)

Challe Warvictim och Orbkod -11 återfinns bl.a med ett par spår på mixtapet. Gratis är gott, sen om du gillar/hatar ripprapp är en annan femma. Fick en skiva av A-Lagsalliansen igår också, där lägger jag en vers om vad jag har i "Mina lurar" när jag är ute och promenixar:
Har avancerat upp min freestyle till en mp3
och mina lurar är rätt kräsna dem vill ha kvalité
det är tidens tempo den här gubben hänger inte med
och lära gamla hundar att sitta, är knappast nån idé
det finns inga dåliga väder, finns bara dåliga kläder
så länge jag har min musik trotsar jag alla väder
frösön runt jag klockar in på en timme,
förösker lyssna på så mycket som jag bara möjligen hinner
en klassisker med black sabbath eller ac/dc
eller varför inte nån av allan edwalls vackra visor
some kind of blue, disclose och tiger lou
giftgasattack, john colltrane och radiohead
allaywan funkar lika bra som mobbade barn
och en svart natt kräver nifelheim eller watain
förra veckan fick jag nya spår från el parador
en perfekt mix mellan jävligt soft och jävligt hårt
Refrängen snodde jag rakt av från Bob Hund.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Din punkmusik räddar liv! (in swedish)

Det närmar sig julafton och folk stressar omkring som yra höns och strör pengar omkring sig som om det inte fanns någon morgondag. Konsumtionen finner inga gränser. Lägg pengarna där det gör skillnad istället för på nå värdelösa julklappar som bara är ouppskattade ändå. Julen är dessutom en kristen högtid, står ni bakom sånt? Har precis önskat Jesus var en tomte med Rövsvett. Förhoppningarna är inte sååå stora men man kan ju alltid hoppas...
UPPDATERING; klockan är strax efter 01:30 och Pst Q klev just in i glasburen (pepp som satan) med en tavla som jag tänker buda på.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Everything but music!

I'll fill it with sweat pants, resting, series/movies, walking, reading, food/snacks and lots of black coffe. Everything but music! I have looked forward to this weekend for a month so I will also celebrate it with a computer-free weekend. Total isolation. Expect no response to your emails until monday. Good bye and good night punx!
Desperat Funeral

The right design is made by ADMC ARTWAR. Check out their blog for even more darkness. I don't have anyone for sale, but if you wanna buy it click here, here or here. I also got 5 copies of the first 7inch "Make noise, not war" from Detonate. 40sek + postage.

New + old goodies in stock!

* Arctic Flowers - Reveries - 12" = 110sek SOLD OUT!!!
* The Kurws - Dziura w Getcie - 12" = 110sek
* Skizophrenia - S/t - 7" = 75sek
* Rednecks - Visions of mad - 7" = 75sek
* Anatomi -71 - Från primat till reptil - 12" = 90sek
* Nitad - Ibland kan man inte... CD = 90sek (35 tracks discography)
* D-clone/System Fucker - Split 7" = 85sek
* Goum - S/t - 7" = 60sek
* Kylesa - To Walk a Middle course - Tape = 40sek SOLD OUT!!!
* No Hope For The Kids - Discography - Tape = 40sek
* A hail to Besthöven - 17 years of hell and DIS! = CD = 80sek
+ postage!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tapes, tapes, tapes...

Total War (Canada), Foat is one hell of a nice guy and he keep that d-beat rollin no matter what. Brutal raw punk sound!! Vinyl soon?
Damage (Sweden), this demo is much better then the 7" I got some month ago. Better sound and much better songs. Nevermind the "members of..." or that it's the same guy who have recorded/mixed Ghost, Maim etc. Listen to the tape and let the music talk!
Avverkad (Germany), a new acquaintance for me. They got this great crusty hardcore feeling that I love.
There are those who call me outdated, well...fuck you! You told me the exact same thing when I continued to buy vinyl when the CD made the entrance in the 90's. Look at you now. Fools. I have a few extra copies of Kylesa and No Hope For the Kids tapes if you are interested. 40sek + postage.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Thräshin' up Östersund, dag 3 (in swedish)

Dodeskaden gjorde lätt sin bästa spelning. Redan i Luleå blev jag glatt överraskad över deras senaste tillskott. Själv va det som att någon hade stängt av maskineriet för jag va så förbannat trött, less och på dåligt humör. Gjorde kanske en av de sämsta spelningar jag någonsin gjort men stämningen i publiken var på topp, typ begravningsvaka. Trots det blev vi inropad att köra helgens första extra nummer. Vi satsade på att vara klara så man skulle hinna hem till "En idiot på resa", det sket sig och vi var hemma strax efter 22. Skönt ändå. Vi tog en kopp te och gick igenom turnéekonomin. Sedan släckte jag ned och punksekten från Lule kollade på Smurfarna.
Det har varit en supersoft helg och vi planerar redan på att smäda södern nån gång i början av nästa år. Tack till Dodeskaden, Wallrides (trots att de bangade Ösd), alla som kom på spelningarna, för den goda maten och för taket över våra huvuden. Tack!
Jag är rätt nöjd idag att vi avslutade i Öset. Är inte direkt avundsjuk på stackarna som sitter i silver combin med x antal mil framför sig precis just nu.
Måndag 5/12;
06:25 Frukost. 07:30 Avresa. 8:10 Tillbaka på kontorsstolen.
8:11 Kaffe.
Imorgon bär det av till Sundsvall...suck.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Thräshin' up Umeå, dag 2 (in swedish)

UPDATE: found a live clip of "Vacker Tass" from yesterdays gig in Luleå.
Thräshin' up Luleå, dag 1 (in swedish)

Jo, vi har fått en testmix av Fredrik på inspelningen vi gjorde för två helger sedan också. Låter gööööttmos. Häpp.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
FUKKED UP BY DAWN - Thräshin' up north tour 2011 (Thräshers, The Wallrides, Dodeskaden)

The weekend tour starts in Luleå tomorrow, can't wait!
* Thräshers (Ösd/Frösön)
* The Wallrides (Umeå)
* Dodeskaden (Luleå)
+ support by Government Abuse
Poppa merch kids.
* Thräshers (Ösd/Frösön)
* The Wallrides (Umeå)
* Dodeskaden (Luleå)
+ support by Government Abuse

Kalender Für Alle, part 01 of 24
15 years ago this was the Swedish christmas calendar and I watched it every day at Ztv. I even have the original vhs videocassettes that I bought from Peter him self many years ago. The "Für Alle" concept have always been close to my heart therefor I would like to share this masterpiece with all of you. My plan was to upload a new episode each day in december last year until christmas, but it slipped out of my mind. But not this year, hell no. 'Nough said, enjoy yourself!
Det tredje världskriget A.K.A nätskeptiker del 2 (in swedish)

- Du menar att du ofta tänker på krig och förintelse?
- Händer väl. Tycker att det vore rätt skönt att jämna allt med marken en gång för alla.
- Hur tror du att det tredje världskriget kommer ta form? Teorier?
- Jag tror att det pågår redan, via våra datorer. "Dem" samlar just i denna sekund på fakta om fienden, samt sprider virus. Det är bara en tidsfråga innan helvetet bryter ut.
- Har jag aldrig tänkt på. Det behövs ju inte längre kärnvapen för att ödelägga ett helt land idag. I praktiken räcker det väl med ett knapptryck på en laptop.
- Du läser mina tankar...
Kort tystnad
- Varför får man alltid så ont i magen efter att man pratat med dig?
- Va vet jag? Du har väl ätit något olämpligt.
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