I received very sad news last night, that Steffe Pettersson passed away. An intelligent provoker with a large dose of self-distance and great sense of humor. Which most often could be heard in his lyrics. We had an intense mail contact between 2009-2013, and we met a few times when he was up in Jämtland with his family. During that time, I learned to know Steffe in a different way than the sporadic contact we had before, when we just met on gigs and in other punk contexts. I have so many fun memories and stories, but I lack words.
Over the years he has played in several bands, punk and metal, but what I associate the most with him is definitely DISKONTO. Classic Swedish Hardcore Mangel. Vila i frid Steffe. Ma råkes!
Over the years he has played in several bands, punk and metal, but what I associate the most with him is definitely DISKONTO. Classic Swedish Hardcore Mangel. Vila i frid Steffe. Ma råkes!