Boys and girls, Punks and Hippies, there are many who doubted, including myself. But here you have the living proof that the split 7" box set is for real. Got the test presses today and it sounds great!
Thank you, Satan working like a dog with the cover art for all the records + extras. I've only seen the labels so I'm just as excited as you are. I am really glad that he took on the assignment and is involved in this project. It will give that little extra to the final result. Keep you posted as soon as we know more about anything...
Schysst!!! Ser fram mot denna :-)
Awsome! Looking forward to this stuff Jocke
Kommer bli råsnyggt med Andreas bakom omslagsdesignen!
T.Y.S har gjort många snygga omslag åt Nitad tycker jag. Det kanske blir omslag som D&R normalt sätt inte annars skulle haft? Sex bra band oxå, ser riktigt fram mot denna boxen.
tro mig det kommer bli en galet mullig box! men den har å andra sidan tagit sin lilla tid också. kul som fan att andreas styr omslag och det kommer nog inte bli det klassiska s/v klipp & klistra omslaget. han har fått helt fria händer, allt jag ville ha va färg =)
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