1. Don't even bother to mail us if you know even before you order that you can't afford it.
2. After receiving order details/payment info and you feel like you no longer want it. Please could you be so kind and just notified us so that we can sell it to someone else.
3. We can't nor won't hold any packages longer than TWO weeks. Two weeks is fair enough, after these weeks your order will automatically be deleted. Same deal for everyone, no exceptions!
4. Swedish postage is fucking expensive! Trust us, we hate their prices as much as you. But you have to understand that we have no influence at all on their postage rates, so don't blame us.
5. No packages will be sent until we got paid and we do not have paypal, sorry!
This applies not only for ordering these shirts, but for ALL orders. Don't want to seem grumpy but we're just so fucking sick and tired of wasting countless hours answering mails that leads nowhere and to get mails like "Hey, I got cash January 2013, okey to pay you then?" or "You are such a ass for not holding on to my order for three month. I will remember this!" and "Why are the shipping costs more than the vinyl? You should be ashamed of yourself".
This has only become worse over time so please consider this before you order. Feel free to mail us for further questions. Thanks for your time and understanding!
We also got a new review on "War Tjard". More to come...?
Sorry, I was wrong.
I sent the E-mail to you too much repeatedly.
I'll try to be more careful in future.
TAKA: don't worry taka, you did nothing at all wrong! feel free to keep mailing me tips, pictures, links, questions or if you just want a chat =) i will always answer every mail i get. its just a matter of time.
JOCKE A: my point. i have often asked myself, most lately, if i really should go on because of all this. but all the positive feedback destroy the negative bullshit. i still wanna support my friends and bands. although i have my doubts some days. hope this post will give these peoples a second thought. i still have lots and lots of great mail conversations as well!
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