Consist 16 bands and 23 tracks covering Disclose top hits. Booklet contains 20 b/w pages of each band artwork and some late words for late Kawakami. Except Warvictims you'll find covers with bands such as Distress, Diskontroll, Besthöven, Deconformed, Wardogs, Gatt, Warchrist, Dispose, Los Rezios, Slaktattack, Lowfat, Give Up All Hope, Peace or annihilation, Filthcum and Discover. Each band represent with their own style.
100 copies limited mailorder edition with embroidery DISCLOSE patch can be found at BLACK SEEDS who released this great cd. Big up! We have a few cd's in stock if interested 80sek+ postage. For wholesale mail Jery von BS.
Fick hem denna i början av veckan, var väl okej tyckte jag :-) Stilig patch också att sy på lämpligt plagg.
MASKEN: fan jag fick inge patch. mailade och gnällde så jag skulle få byta till mig en. den limiterade upplagan va slut iaf.
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