We will announce the line-up for this show as soon as we know who's playing. Haven't figured that one out yet. Hehe. This might not be the only show this summer since we're in contact with two more swedish festivals. We will give you further information as soon as we know more. Hope you all are satisfied now after years of nagging.
UPDATE (23:15):
April, april! or as you say in english; April fool's day. Am so so sorry if I gave you all false hopes. Some day, sometime we will do our first show, but not at Peace & Love this year. I got a few mails from friends around europe who asked for a possible minor tour. One friend even called me up to say that he was fucking excited to finally see us live. Admit that it was a good practical joke.
Då måste man köpa biljett direkt dit också. Ni måste spela Open Grave!!!
April april, eller?
ojsan :-) fan vad kul. Vågar man hoppas på Illegalen eller Punkkarnevalen? Kom igen nu arrangörer!!!
Vågar man gissa på årets dömmaste sill?
warre's first gig! man, someone buy me a plane ticket and I'm there. =)
Om det onte är ett aprilskämt så måste jag ta mig till Borlänge. Kanske årets bästa bokning
april april?
haha good one, J. you got me convinced for a moment.
at least you know now that people do want to see warre live!
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