Say what you wanna say about Sista Sekunden, but I have always like em, perhaps it's part of my "trallpunk" genes. Not to mention, they're a great live act too. And I don't think that anyone ever feel bored or negative when Andy is around. He just have that enthusiastic maner that I wished too see more of in my surroundings.
Bäddat För Trubbel is a new experiance too me. I've heard and read so much about em so I thought I would give em a chance. I like punk, I like rock and I like bands singing in "skånska".
Got the Hårda Tider demo tape while we still doing Skitliv! and this is part of my unserious review:
"Fick en demo skickad av SxE kollektivet från i Malmö. Medlemmar från höger och vänster spelar klotter-hc. Dom har en 7" på gång, hoppas att det blir mer av Cimex stuket då".
Lately I read at some blog that they had plans of making a cover of Anti Cimex, or if it was Shitlickers for their next release. Haha.
I love how they flirting with Wu-Tang and parts of the graffiti culture with having a tag logo and pictures from "the yard" at the inlay. Even some lyrics for that matter. I admire punk bands who dare to push the limits, or when they take inspirations not only within the scene. Have still not listen to the 12" yet, but I liked their previously releases, so I don't think that I will get disappointed.
When it comes to Herätys am still speechless, it's a kind of magic.

I know that Hedvux is going and that he'll bring his new camera so I expect some youtube clips mid next week as well. Gatan kallar, dags för dagens promenad. Sen ska det spisas skivor.
* Herätys - Helvettiin ja takaisin - 7" - 35sek (back in stock)
+ postage
Malmö är klart den bästa staden i Sverige
HT LP'n är grymt jävla bra!
MASKEN: sån jävla attack! tvillingtummar upp.
Vad Masken sa, HH LPn ar skitbra (men mitt forsta respons pa 7"an var kanske liknande Skitliv's recensionen hahaha)
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