Format: Singel 3/5
Det här är alltså 4 av de 8 låtarna som återfinns på NDT:s kassett från 2005. Hade ju inte hört danskjävlarna innan och nu i efterhand kan jag väl säga att jag inte direkt hade missat nåt. Brötig crust som varken suger eller knäcker. Det som är bra är att det är jämt bröl med schysst ljud så man kan ha skiten på i bakgrunden när man sitter och super. Ibland meckar dom till det vilket vi verkligen hoppas att dom lägger av med.
Publicerad den 24 december 2007. Skriven av: Yxan # 17 (Backlash)
NUCLEAR DEATH TERROR - Demo 2005 7" (D-takt & Råpunk)
In 2005 Nuclear Death Terror released a demo tape containing eight tracks that was very well received, and this 7" has four of these tracks. Those of you who have their LP know what you're in for; dark pounding crustcore with more than a few hints of metal. Not too slow and not too fast, but really hard and powerful. There is a difference between these demo tracks and the LP though, and this difference lies in the sound. This 7" is darker and more "messy" for the lack of a better word, while the LP is a bit crisper in its sound. But that's usually the difference between a demo and a full-length - the sound. I'm not saying these tracks have a poor sound though, just pointing out the difference. Even though I personally like the LP better I do know people who prefer the demo and its rumbling sound over the bigger platter, and I'm not arguing with the opinion that this is real good stuff. If you already own the demo you don't need this as it's the exact same recording, only half the amount of tracks. But if you dug the LP and/or are interested in getting you're hands on some crustcore brutality this is a good place to look.
[Krogh - January 22, 2008]
A demo from 2005 is never wrong, anyway when it´s so good as it is when NDT does it. Sure we have Discharge, Disorder just to mention som wellknown bands but I think that NDT is a little bit more tougher than those bands. The things which does their music a little bit good is that the let their songs be a little bit slower sometimes and it does them good. You must really show who you are when you listen to this but in the same time as they are really raw they´re really melodic too....how stupid that maybe can sound.(SEVEN) 28/12-07
Skrutt Zine
NUCLEAR DEATH TERROR – Demo 2005 7” (D-takt & Råpunk, Dtakt006)
Stabil crustcore från Köpenhamn som stolt för vidare crustcorearvet från Doom, ENT och andra 90-tals storheter. Har inte hört N.D.T. tidigare men det låter bra, riktigt rå och hederlig råpunk som är stöpt efter den klassiska mallen. Är väl föga originellt men det är ju inte heller meningen. Demo 2005 innehåller 4 låtar (8 låtar finns på originaldemon som släpptes nämnda årtal av Plague Bearer), gillar speciellt Life of Pain, vars refräng låter riktigt bra. N.D.T. har visst släppt en fullis också, kanske skulle ta och kolla upp den, för detta låter ju götta. Stabil crustcore som sagt, inget fansy utan bara bra mangel.
//Andreas/Doomsday Mag, Februari 2008

Skitliv-redaktionen vevar inte bara ut fanzine i ett rasande tempo utan under namnet Warvictims vevar de råpunk och verkar nästan vara lika produktiva. When the innocent Cry bjuder på rå crustpunk och alla ingredienser som behövs för att göra bra råpunk finns väl i stort sett, men jag tycker att det här går på tok för långsamt. Visst, midtempo d-takt funkar jävligt bra ibland men när 5 låtar av 5 är lika slöa så tycker i alla fall jag att det blir lite tradigt. Slöheten gör även att man ganska tydligt hör att svårighetsgraden på låtarna är allt annat än hög, dessutom är det inte några direkt bra låtar heller. Som tur är för Warvictims är ljudet och produktionen ganska rå och sången är jävligt grovlig och rå så det funkar ju, men materialet är inget man direkt lägger på minnet. Om dom håller samma takt på låtskrivandet som på fanzinemakeriet så lär dom ju ha spelat in 100 låtar till inom kort så man kan ju hoppas att det är lite mer fart på några av dem i alla fall. Gillar du midtempo krigspunk med growl bör du kolla upp. Förresten så är det inte ett enda solo på den här plattan, SKANDAL, som alla vet bör det vara (minst) ett solo i varje låt. Plattan är inspelad i Bombshelter Studio förresten, innebär detta att det är Rodde som spelat in den, för hans studio heter väl så!? Det är som med röka, ”standard” funkar ju men det är inte så jävla ball i längden.
//Andreas/Doomsday Mag, April 2007
Warvictims - When the innocent cry CD-R
Genre: Crustcore, Origin: Sweden, Released: 2007, Website: Warvicictims Label: DRR001, Uploaded:24.04.07, Grade:7/10
This demo accompanies the third issue of the Swedish fanzine Skitliv!, but since that zine sucks so much arse it obviously not a serious work I won’t waste my time reviewing it. The Warvictims demo When the innocent cry, however, is a completely different story. It’s still the same guys as the Skitliv! crew, but on another level altogether. With just a quick glance at the cover you know this is d-beat, no questions asked. And while Discharge is an obvious choice for inspiration, I get a strong Svart Parad vibe for the music as well as Warcollapse and Mörder for the grunts. Sure, the back to the basics, old school d-beat, Discharge worshipping has been done so many times it’s almost unbearable, I dare say this is some of the better stuff I’ve heard in the vein lately. The sound quality is way better than most demos and albums of the genre, and I really appreciate the growling main vocals, which enhances the heaviness of the tunes. It’s also refreshing with some Swedish lyrics. Sure, it’s the same war topic as everything else when it comes to dis-crust, but it’s fairly unusual to do it in Swedish. Anyway, the zine sucks but the music kills.
Warvictims - When the innocent cry CD-R
War, war, war, war... Warvictims. D-beat-, war- and dis-bands are funny phenomenas, some bands make it all the way and some don't. And I'm afraid I can't say that Warvictims belong amongst the bands mentioned first. Highly repetitive and dull concerning both guitar riffs and lyrics, actually they use the same concept for more than two songs; the only variation is a different key and change of lyrics. It's good to know that there are new bands like this sprouting, and I know there are people out there who like this kind of stuff. But personally I would have wanted more variation and that the bands would broaden their horizons a little bit more.
/ Andreas, Folkzine

Format: Singel 3/5
Helt OK råpunk med medlemmar från bl.a. Dödsdömd, Totalt Jävla Mörker och Uncle Charles. Det är ju inget nytt under solen direkt men det är ju inte heller vad man väntar sig av ett släpp på D-takt & Råpunk Records. Ljudet är lite loppigt, kunde ha varit lite mer tryck i skiten men det ska tydligen vara så säger interna källor till Backlash. Den ena snubben bakom micken låter lite väl tillgjord vilket stör lite men samtidigt är det lite kul, som i ”Inget Hopp, Ingen Framtid” där hans mörkröst leder till att man drar på smilbanden. Plattan innehåller 8 spår och är tryckt i 300 ex. så se till att beställa nu.
Publicerad den 11 november 2007. Skriven av: Yxan # 17 (Backlash)
MARDRÖM - När Mardrömmen Blir Till Verklighet 7" (D-takt & Råpunk)
This is the bands demo that has been put on vinyl after much delay. It was originally planned for Wasted Sounds but has now been made available through this label. There are times when a demo should remain a demo and times when it becoming a vinyl release is well justified. This here 7" is a little bit of both actually. I who don't have the demo are glad I get the tracks but at the same time I think this band can deliver better stuff than what they're doing on here, so perhaps they just as well could have waited until the next recording to do the vinyl. Still, this Warcollapse meets Svart Parad meets Human Waste käng is quite alright and as I said, since I don't have the demo I'm glad this 7" found it's way over here despite not really being anything out of the ordinary. I don't want to be the one to say if a band should exist or not but sometimes I do question all the bands Sylen are involved in as they honestly don't sound too different from each other. It might be his vocals that does it, or it might just be me, but this does sound like something Dödsdömd could have released as a demo a few years back. Four tracks on each side, all lyrics dealing with war and written in the same way Discharge once introduced - a couple of lines for the verse and a couple for the chorus. Maybe it's here we find the explanation to all the bands - some lyrics and themes might suit one band but not the other? The cover is not of the best quality and is simply a folded Xeroxed paper with a similar insert, but I think it had come down to "get it out for little money or don't get it out at all", so I'll look the other way on this one. There are only three hundred made so if you think this is something you'll like you better look up from where you can get it.
[Krogh - October 17, 2007]
Ojojojoj här var det snabba puckar eller vad man skall kalla det. Jäkligt rå punk med inslag av både tidiga Discharge, Skitsystem och tidiga Napalm Death. Bara krigtsexter är vad vi får oss till livs och man kanske inte jublar av glädje när man hör detta eftersom man kanske inte vill höra texter som behandlar just dessa saker. Men ändå så är det musik som får mig att stampa lite med högerfoten och hade jag varit yngre hade jag kastat mig vilt runt i rummet men nu nöjer jag mig som sagt med ett stilla diggande men jag ler lite grand i smyg för den här typen av råpunk är riktigt bra.(SJU)
2/11-07 Skrutt Zine
MARDROM"Nar madrommen blir till verklighet" ep(d-takt records 2006)
At the first introduction it is necessary to say that on this band serve elements of the best Svedish band. To mention some name: Dodsdomd, Human waste and Totalt Javla Morker. With this backgrounds the result can be only good. In this 7 inches there aren't rocking influences typical of Human Waste and melodic that can take to the memory the Total Java Morker. There are only 8 tracks of pure and primordial raw punk/d-beat, without contamination , without melody, without “correct” or studied sound. It is possible to find only a lot of sweat, attitude, coldness and anger. The beat rhythm are sustained by 2 voices, one deep and another shriek and wrenching. All this is enrich by simple but incisive bass-guitar's riffs, stop'n'go and some remote and melancholic guitar's melody.A good job on his simplicity , uncouthness,and anger advised to lover of pure and hard d-beat and at who love to surf on this could ryhtms.
//Written by ebbreo88, Crustpunk. Nov 01, 2007 at 02:05 PM

Format: Singel. Betyg: 4.
Warvictims går från klarhet till klarhet. Så här skall det fan låta! D-takt hela jävla tiden, förutom i avslutande ”Fucked For Life” som trots sin klockrena lyrik hindrar den här sjuan från att få full pott. De väl använda kängriffen står som spön i backen och jag sitter med en kall starköl i näven & bara njuter. Fem låtar bjuds det på och det vrålas på svenska i tre av dom. Krigsoffrena dammar även av en av Cimex bästa; ”When The Innocent Die” och de gör det bra. Synd bara att mixerkillen inte drog upp reglaget under solot. Det finns inte ett skit att tveka på här, bara att beställa skiten direkt från bandet.
Publicerad den 11 november 2007. Skriven av: Yxan # 17 (Backlash)
WARVICTIMS D-Beat Destruction 7" (D-takt & Råpunk)
A cool drawing by Steve (Visions of War), the band logo in Discharge lettering, the title, and a stripe across the top right corner saying "Raw punk assault!" is what first meets the eye - kinda gives you an idea, right? I've heard the band before so I knew to expect some Warcollapse styled stuff, but these four tracks, plus a cover of "When the innocent die" by Anti-Cimex, is a bit faster than other material I've heard and in my opinion also better. It still is exactly what you expect it to be though and there are no surprises hidden on here musically, but I still enjoy the tunes. Especially the last track "Fucked for life" where they go for a GG Allin meets Driller Killer kind of catchiness. The lyrics are steeped in the d-beat mould with three of them dealing with war and "Fucked for life" about getting wasted on booze and pills. I'm pretty sure this band has set out to do everything by the book and so we probably shouldn't expect any thought provoking lyrics any time soon. Even though it's become a cliché in punk lyrics war is horrendous, and despite the fact that probably ninety percent of those who write these kinds of lyrics don't really care too much, there are more pointless topics to deal with. However I can't get past the fact that a couple of the guys in this band also are responsible for the Swedish zine Skitliv which is one of the more moronic zines I've ever read, slandering women, gays, and whoever left and right. I get enough of that crap from the ignorant assholes outside of punk and I don't need it here. I have very mixed feelings about this 7" and I didn't know how to approach it really. At the end I decided to give it an honest review and let you, the reader, decide whether you want to support this band or not.
[Krogh - October 19, 2007]
WARVICTIMS – D-beat Destruction 7” (D-takt & Råpunk, Dtakt004)
Warvictims fortsätter att mangla ut släpp och kvalitetsmässigt så tar det väl sig också för varje släpp. Det är lite snabbare och lite bättre driv än tidigare också och det tackar vi för. Annars är det väl samma gruffiga crustcore som tidigare. Helt okej fast dom håller helt klart till i mellanskicktet där det finns allt för många som kör på rätt bra men som har en bit kvar.I avslutande Fucked For Life får råpunken stå tillbaka för mer hardcoreaktiga tongångar som musikaliskt påminner om Linköpinghardcore som i Outlast och Nines, drivigare låtar (lyssna på låten så fattar ni vad jag menar). Ytterligare ett släpp som är helt okej, däremot fattar jag inte varför man ska ha med Cimex-covern, When The Innocent Die när man inte sätter solot, känns jävligt meningslöst, solot är ju bäst!
//Andreas/Doomsday Mag, februari 2008

Four tracks of ear-piercing cracked distortion - that's pretty much all that is needed to say about Giftgasattack. This is insanely raw and while I normally enjoy the style a lot this is a bit too intense. Imagine Disclose and Atrocious Madness playing live at the same time, both using completely blown out, and not very qualitative, speakers and you should have a fairly good idea of the noise on here. I'm not saying it sucks, I'm just saying it's pure chaos and not very nice on the ears. Where Giftgasattack might have their eyes and ears directed at Japanese acts, Dislickers are more interested in the Swedish raw hardcore bands from the mid to late 80's which in turn took their inspiration from the UK. Roughly played, roughly recorded, hardcore that reminds me of bands such as Anti-Cimex, Bombanfall to some extent, and similar stuff. If these tracks would have turned out to be from the mid 90's instead of 2006 I wouldn't have been surprised as this bunch would have fit well with the million Dis-whatever bands that were operating at the time. If they would have stood out from the crowd ten-something years ago I don't know, but today I needed some basic raw d-beat and I'm enjoying this. If you're looking for originality you better not turn to Dislickers, but if primal d-beat with a raw recording complete with the gruff vocals and occasional short sharp solos is what you're after you'll get your fix here.
[Krogh - January 13, 2008]
GIFTGASATTACK/DISLICKERS(SINGEL D-TAKT RÅPUNK RECORDS DTAKT 007) Wonderful names on crustpunkgroups....it´s unfortunaly so that the music doesn´t have the same high class. Giftgasattack is too much distortion and there´s only small glimpses of light in their music....Anticimes too fast and then you understand. Dislickers is a little bit better even if it´s the same type of stonecrushercrust. But here you can find some nyances in the music anyway even if this could be too much even for a sort like me....noooo.(FIVE) r 28/12-07
Skrutt Zine
GIFTGASATTACK / DISLICKERS Split 7” (D-takt & Råpunk, DTAKT007)
Ja man kan ju inte anklaga Giftgasattack för att vara överproducerade i alla fall (vi snackar väl 4 kanals kassettporta antar jag) då det är vm i dist och oljud, det enda som hörs någorlunda är väl den överdistade gitarren och till viss del basen. Sången och trummorna hörs, visst, men det är ju allt annat än klart och tydligt. Jag är inte tokeggad på sån där överdistat japansk nitmongopank men bakom allt oljud som finns här kan man allt höra några riktigt vassa riff och ett och annat riktigt gött solo. Ljudet är jävligt jobbigt så detta är inget jag kommer att spela speciellt ofta. Dislickers, ja det hörs väl ganska tydligt på namnet hur det låter. Klassisk svensk dis-hardcore av troget 80-tals snitt. Helt okej fast inget speciellt alls, men det är ju gött att dom kör med solon i alla fall. Sången är inte skitbra (lite hundig) men den duger fint i krigstider. 6 låtar nitmongopank bjuder de på, det låter som det ska göra tycker jag.
//Andreas/Doomsday Mag, januari 2008
GIFTGASATTACK / DISLICKERS "Split-EP" EP/ D-takt & Råpunk Records/ DTAKT007
Format: Singel 2/5
Giftgasattack bidrar med 4 låtar inspelade på en 4-kanals kassettporta och det låter skit. Det går inte att höra ett jävla någe. Det låter som Disclose risigaste demos fast 100 gånger värre. Enough said. Vänder vi på steken så hittar vi 6 låtar med skåningarna i Dislickers och det låter precis som man tror att det skall göra när bandet heter Dis… och har nitjackor. Däremot så är det nåt som saknas. Vet inte riktigt vad men det är liksom lite för segt på nåt sätt. Jag gillar ju slö käng men det här är inte slött det är segt. Nåväl, Giftgassidan lyssnar jag nog aldrig mer på men Dislickers kan väl åka på nån mer gång på fyllan.
Publicerad den 24 december 2007. Skriven av: Yxan # 17 (Backlash)

Warvictims och Tortyr bestämde sig för att göra en splitsjua tillsammans. Här är resultatet. Warvictims – Sida A. På den senaste tiden har jag hört mer och mer om råpunkarna i Warvictims. De har hunnit med att släppa sin sjutummare ”D-beat Destruction” samt en split, vilken denna recension är menad att handla om. Med råpunk menar jag verkligen råpunk. De är betydligt mycket hårdare än sina kollegor på andra sidan skivan. Ska man jämföra båda konstellationerna kanske man till och med kan kalla Tortyr lite trallvänliga. ”Will this horror ever end?” är låten du bör kolla upp på den här plattan. Är du däremot för det lite mer melodiska får du vända på steken och läsa nästa recension.
Tortyr – Sida B. Med en fet smäll rätt i ansiktet får jag Tortyrs mangelbidrag levererat. Detta är antagligen det bästa på hela skivan. När materialet är så pass varierat och låtantalet så pass litet är det svårt att inte fastna för till exempel Skitsystem-präglade ”Inga mirakel” eller den fullkomligt lysande midtempokängan ”Fy faan vad jag hatar dig”. Den stackars individ som har fått den sistnämnda tillägnad sig kan inte ha det helt lätt.
//Niclas Boman, Kulturkrock
Warvictims/Tortyr 7" Split (D-takt & Råpunk Records/Tortyr Records 2007)
Another made in Sweden product ordered to me from Crustpunk's Administrator. It is a 7 inches split, one side Warvictims the other side Tortyr. Let's go with Warvictims. I'm fond to this five Swedish, beeing this the third work I review aftter "Krigsoffer" e "D-Beat Destruction". I can start saying that who listen this 3 tracks without know, appreciate or understand this kind of music will ask why the band play the same song 3 times. I repeat this oh the last 2 reviews: Warvictims are a d-beat band absoulutly in Discharge style (only a fiew faster), the songs are similar and on this king of music this is not a critic. The only news is taht this 3 songs ("Blodspengar", "Nightmare or reality", "Will this horror ever end?") are faster then the five track of "D-Beat Destruction".Simply and minimal songs, enriched from guitars break and short voice/bass duets. The voice is weight and sometime hight and hysteric. To conclude the style is the same , nothing of new but I go on to appreciate. Going to the side B: Tortyr. A name that i don't know before and the curiosity grow on me day by day. I expect somethig like d-beat'n'roll similar to Human Waste or Disfear, instead, with my surprise I listen something different. Immediatlly my ear get on with the apocaliptic melodies of the four svedish. I can't categorize ina a kind of music but maybe the right term is neocrust. Accelerated D-beat time , cold , shrap and melodic guitars that play riffs that remain on the mind. Very good the excruciating and scream voice, that bring the apocaliptic scenary of the songs. The songs are long (compared with warvictims tracks) not simply and never boring. There are some similitude with Skitsystem, and I risk to say that there are some Balck Metal elements on this tracks (obviously melodic black metal). All is covered by a opaque veil, expecially on the third track "Fy faan vad jag hatar dig". A very good band that i really glad to discover and review. The best think of this split is the difference between the two bands. One side with the massacre of one of the best old school d-beat made in Swedish, on the other side the gelid apocalipse of an excellent "neocrust"band.
//Written by matteuzzo; Crustpunk
WARVICTIMS/TORTYR split 7" (D-takt & Råpunk)
Warvictims are here with another handful of raw d-beat tunes. These tracks are recorded before the ones on the "D-beat destruction" 7" and are also more like the slower stuff they had on their CD-R releases. I really don't have anything against this mid-tempo crusty d-beat but as I've heard later stuff that are better I can't say I'm that excited about the three tracks on here, even if they're not too bad. I still have very mixed feelings towards this band and the attitude of some of the members though.
Tortyr is a new band which, I think, are releasing their first songs through this split. I know there were a demo but I don't think that got a very big circulation. Anyway, on to the music on this release. At first I felt like I would write this band off as another Human Waste reminiscent band - a good one, but none the less very similar. Now I don't write reviews after one listen and so I soon realized that this wasn't true. It is true that Human Waste and similar bands comes to mind, but this is not in any way a clone. The music is in all honesty not too spectacular and it has been done before by many Swedish käng bands, but on the other hand they're hardly alone in borrowing a few riffs and notes from others either so I won't hold it against them. It's all well executed anyway and that beats originality in my book. Some times, like on here, anyway. But it's when it comes to the vocal part that I get real excited. They're truly great and are really what gives this band its edge. When Claes makes his vocal cords vibrate the whole room shakes and there is no doubt he has a lot he wants to get off his chest. Gasoline fuelled anger - intense as hell! What first seemed like a second rate Skitsystem copy turned out to be one of the better Swedish bands currently making their noise heard.
[Krogh - October 19, 2007]

This was recorded December 24 2004 and has been released as the demo "The crustmas sessions" earlier if I'm not mistaken. I don't think the band has done anything since and I'm not even sure they exist anymore, but I wouldn't mind if they did. Through paying homage to Discharge with elements of both Doom and Anti-Cimex these nine tracks results in something that could describe Deathortion, a Swedish band, as sounding like the US bands that in turn are influenced by Swedish bands. Confusing? To simplify - Deathortion remind me of both Discharge and State of Fear (or similar). Either way it's pretty good, not especially complicated, d-beat with a raw sound. Even the worst bands doing this style come off as quite good, so Deathortion have no problem to appeal to the side of me that want it simple and rough - and this lot isn't even among those "worst" ones. You've probably heard it all before delivered by multiple bands, but that doesn't make it bad. It can be uninteresting to some, but the songs don't loose their intensity just because of that. The only thing that bothered the hell out of me was that I couldn't figure out what band it was that's doing "Scapegoat" originally, my mind was totally blank. But then, with a little help, I realized that it sounds a whole lot like "B.S.B.S.F.B.S" by Warcry, a track which in turn sounds quite a lot like a whole bunch of Discharge tunes. Mystery solved.
[Krogh - January 23, 2008]
DEATHORTION "War And Starvation" EP/ D-takt & Råpunk Records/ DTAKT005
Format: Singel 3/5
Tio låtar go jävla D-takt får man om man tjackar den här EP:n. Inspelat 2004-12-24… Man undrar ju varför det tog 3 år att få ut låtarna på platta. Kanske för att det inte var nån innan D-takt & Råpunk som fattade tycke för skiten. Sången är lite för brötig för min smak men det funkar. Det är klassik jävla käng med krigstexer och hade det bara varit bättre sång och mer klipp i baskaggen så hade det här varit pärla som ägg.
Publicerad den 24 december 2007. Skriven av: Yxan # 17 (Backlash)
DEATHORTION – War and Starvation 7” (D-takt & Råpunk, Dtakt005)
10 låtar gruffig Usa-crust i Disruptskolan. Detta låter riktigt bra och brutalt som fan och jag kan med ens säga att detta är den bästa råpunk som någonsin spelats in i Umeå (säger väl egentlingen inte så mycket i och för sig). Har hört mp3or på detta material tidigare men jag tycker helt klart att detta är värt att ha på platta. Bra attackriff, och lagomt mycket meck, sen är sången riktigt bra också. Extra plus för solon och en och annan trevlig basgång. Denna platta är given om man gillar Disrupt-hardcore. Deathortion är förövrigt ett ”soloprojekt” av Klas från Dödsdömd, bra skit.
//Andreas/Doomsday Mag, januari 2008

D-takt & Råpunk continue to release demos onto 7"s, and as far as it's good stuff I have no complaints and this label has proven before that they don't have too bad musical taste. The demo with the same name was originally released on tape by Plague Bearer in 2004 and had nine tracks while this 7" holds six of those. Mareridt have members from both Denmark and Sweden and they play the style you would expect on this label - d-beat raw punk. The production is raw with sharp buzzing guitars giving the sound that dirty distortion. The gruff vocals and somewhat muddy sounding drums are also adding to the overall harshness of this 7". Rough Scandinavian crustcore that follows the recipe and while I'm not going to say this 7" is one of the true greats of the style it works fine to satisfy my needs for some rough d-beat.
[Krogh - November 11, 2008]
Mareridt - Här börjar helvetet 7". Genre: Crustcore, Released: 2008, Label: D-Takt & Råpunk Records, Uploaded: 08.10.08
I can’t say I remember hearing Mareridt before, but this is a re-release of the 2004 demo bearing the same title. However I don’t know if this contain all, or just some, tracks. After just a listen I could state that this is some rough and raw, gruffy crustcore. The sound is awful, but not to the extent of becoming unbearable. It’s more of a low-fi production adding to the brutality. The recipe for success is old school and simplicity. Pure d-beat worship with the classic short guitar solos slicing the air every now and then. The pounding drums just reek of the Scandinavian flavor. It’s a raw-as-hell 7”, but there is a but. The rough, semi-growled vocals add brutality to the mix, but at times it sounds a bit like he’s just keeping the mic too close, and not really growling. Overlooking that, though, there’s still the sound issue. It’s not unbearable and ruining the music, but it could still be a whole lot better. The riffing is almost nowhere to be found, and the string part of the instrumentation ends up pretty much in a noisy, distorted blur. But it is cool, nonetheless. The entire thing actually reminds me a bit of the old Bombstrike demos; crappy sound, growls and Scandinavian crustcore. (7/10)
//Kristoffer, My Last Chapter
This was obvisiously a demo which was recorded in 2004 from the beginning but is very good that it came out on vinyl and i like it much. There´s not much space to breathe here because it goes really fast all the time. Depressive lyrics which it should be when we talk baout music like this because otherwise it have been boring. Imagine yourself sit and listen to this sort of d-beat music and they sang slly love lyrics....Mareridt don´t sing in norwegian and that´s a shame because that I thought with this name but it´s really good anyway except the odd ending on the first song on D-takt side(SEVEN) 10/10-08

When I first read that D-Takt & Råpunk would release this 7” I was very surprised. Some of Dissober’s old material is really killer, like for instance their contribution to the Distortion to hell compilation, while I can’t say I love their Sober life… No way album. And that’s also the last I heard of them, disappearing sometime in the nineties. But here they are again, although with an old recording from 1997. And it’s cool to see this release take place, as Dissober is a band that young punks probably haven’t heard of, so here it is for a new generation to get drunk to. And drinking is a big part of their music (who could’ve guessed with a band name like that, eh). Although no lyrics are included, a couple of the track titles, and record title for that matter, reveals their not so sober ways. And right off the get go the dirty brutality sets in harder than a blowjob by a back alley crackwhore (well I wouldn’t know, but let’s just say this is some raw shit). The sound is dirty like a bunch of Disclose material, and it’s a complete hail to the old school sound. But while Discharge might be an obvious influence, I wouldn’t overlook Shitlickers. This reeks of Scandinavian 80ies crustcore brutality. The riffing’s quite simple, the solos are raw and the drumming is certainly powerful pounding. The vocals are sort of soft, almight screaming. It’s not as harsh as the remaining recipe of Dissober, and this is some brutal and raw shit – as been stated earlier. If you love Disclose and Shitlickers I can almost guarantee you’ll love this as well. (8/10)
//Kristoffer, My Last Chapter
It was a long time since we heard anything from this group. But I become a little bit disappointed when I further down on the record reads that this is recorded 1997 so it wasn´t anything new with the group but that don´t takes from the group that this is a really good crustrecord. One of the better ones that I have heard lately and th sound is really good though it´s a lot of "noise" Fast as hell it goes and the drummer always will work hard in those groups but I think he likes it and it´s maybe lucky that they haven´t going on for ten more years because then have surely many drummers been changed...(SEVEN) 10/10-08

9 låtar som de flesta är jävligt korta och helt omöjliga att höra vad de sjunger om. Man kanske borde fått med en liten textlapp så hade det varit riktigt bra....Men jag kanske inte alltid vill veta vad de sjunger om med tanke på låttitlar som Spräckt skita och Skitfitta... de varvar mellan engelska och svenska titlar och Nitad är den längsta låten och den är egentligen bäst också men det kanske beror på det lite lugnare tempot även om den är riktigt rå. Ni som är inne på grind/HC bör kolla in.(SEX) 10/10-08

Warvictims certainly don't fuck around when it comes to producing hardcore, they release record after record and with this in mind it's quite amazing that they maintain such a high level of quality as they do. On here we get four new tracks, not straying one bit from the path they've tread on their previous outputs - devastating mid-tempo d-beat. This 7" start out with an almost doomy and metal sounding intro before they lash into it and start the rumble. The lyrics are as usual dealing with the atrocities of war. Not much has changed from their last release and probably won't with their next, but if I were looking for novelty hardcore Warvictims wouldn't be the band to turn to even if they had developed their sound more between releases.
[Krogh - November 28, 2008]
All reviews are taken from:
COWMAG (Sweden)
SKRUTT (Sweden)
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